Thursday, May 22, 2008

LifeLock Fails to Live Up to its Hype

To start with, here's a snippet from a report from Associated Press today:

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Todd Davis has dared criminals for two years to try stealing his identity: Ads for his fraud-prevention company, LifeLock, even offer his Social Security number next to his smiling mug.
Customers in Maryland, New Jersey and West Virginia are suing Davis, claiming his service didn't work as promised and he knew it wouldn't, because the service had failed even him.

All I have to say about this is: BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've said it from DAY 1. This guy is just asking to have his ass handed to him on a silver platter. I was hoping, NAY PRAYING, that some hacker would come and beat his stupid challenge. And someone finally did. Actually, 87 someones:

Davis acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that his stunt has led to at least 87 instances in which people have tried to steal his identity, and one succeeded: a guy in Texas who duped an online payday loan operation last year into giving him $500 using Davis' Social Security number.

People this dumb shouldn't be allowed outdoors, let alone run a large business such as this. I can only attribute his stupidity to inbreeding. No one in his right mind would ever set himself up for failure like this. Now he's got people suing him for the $1 million dollar guarantee because their asses got fried too.

Get it through your head, no one can guarantee the safety of your identity but you. But don't take my word for it:

Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy with the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization says:

"There is no company that can guarantee they can protect you (completely) against identity theft. Absolutely nobody can do that."

'Nuff said!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Anyone willing to give up a little liberty in return for a little security, will deserve neither, and lose both!" -- Thomas Jefferson

This is a two-hundred-plus-year-old idea fer-cry-sakes!

I agree, Bob: It HAS to be the result of inbreeding!

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