Shameless Plug

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Should we return the money? An Answer to the Kongaloid

I recently got an email from my Kongaloid brother, Steve, regarding the wonderful checks Dubya said he's authorizing for all of us this coming May. (For a full view of what Steve's comments are, check out his great BLOG at The following was my reply to him and to anyone else who might be interested.

Politcal values aside, I never thought that PR should become an independent nation. We'd never survive it. We have no real gross product except coffee and sugar and even THAT we import from other countries (WTF?). The only thing we have to offer other countries, that would actually hold their interest, is beautiful women in skimpy underwear. VIVE LE WHALE-TAIL!!!!

Of course that means we'd have to turn all our women into prostitutes. I wouldn't want to be the guy to tell them that.

No, PR can't go indie.

I agree with you though. Those indies who claim to be so "hard-core" SHOULD give the $ back. Better yet, spread it amongst those of us who actually LIKE uncle Sam, especially when he gives us candy (like all our favorite uncles do). That way they don't have to accept any of the dirty American mulah, and they don't have to go to the trouble of buying a US stamp to send back the money.

So to sum it all up in one, kongaloidal word......


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